friends of midsummer common

Flanked on one side by the River Cam, Midsummer Common is an ancient grassland that thrusts into the heart of Cambridge City.  Friends of Midsummer Common (FoMC) is concerned with the good management and responsible use of the sward and adjacent orchard. 

The Common

For many centuries fairs and other events have been staged on the Common and this tradition continues today. At other times cattle graze the land bringing the country into the City.  In recent years, the Common is also prized as a  source of biodiversity and refuge in time of pandemic.   For more about the Common and its history . . .

The Orchard

Friends of Midsummer Common established and looks after the Community Orchard on part of the Common just to the south of the Cutter Ferry bridge. Volunteers help plant trees and wildflowers, cut grass and clear weeds in a sociable environment. For more about the orchard and how you can join our volunteer team . . . 


The Friends of Midsummer Common has filed a a draft Management Plan to the Council, and we are awaiting their agreement.  The initiatives outlined in this document will inform our project initiatives going forwardFor more about our projects as described in the management plan . . . 


Membership allows you to stay up-to-date on issues that affect the common and to join with your fellow neighours as we work to ensure the preservation of this expansive resource . 


We have frequent volunteer opportunities in our orchard (spring – autumn.  Click the button for more information, or the map on the right to see a marker showing the orchard’s location.

Find Us

Midsummer Common is nestled between the River Cam, Victoria Ave. , Maids Causway / New Market Road and Elizabeth Way  The Orchard, designated above,  may not appear on your map app.  A postcode is Cambridge, CB5 8DJ

News & Events

Key Documents

Stay informed about events on the common and opportunities, e.g., webinars and lectures, that offer timely information.  More information is found on the News-Events page . . . 

Informative documents about the common and those that are important to the management and governamce of the FoMC are found on the  About page.